Family 1: The Profitts

Here we have the Profitt family on move-in day. From left to right Craig, Susan, Charles, Sandra, Bob and Michael.
(Aspiration/Lifetime Want/Personality/Star Sign/Generation (CAS = 1))
Sandra Profitt: Family/Marry off 6 Children/(4/7/8/3/3)/Gemini/CAS Elder
Susan Profitt: Family/Have 6 Grandchildren/(6/3/6/4/6)/Cancer/CAS Elder
Bob Profitt: Romance/Hall of Famer/(6/5/8/3/3)/Scorpio/CAS Adult
Charles Profitt: Popularity/Hall of Famer/(5/8/6/3/3)/Aries/CAS Teen
Craig Profitt: Grow Up/(None)/(2/8/2/6/7)/Libra/CAS Child
Michael Profitt Grow Up/(None)/(4/4/4/7/6)/Aquarius/CAS Toddler
Charles quickly began to make friends with the neighbours - by putting James Jenkins into a head lock. (Once he sorted his arms out anyway).
Craig followed his big brother's example by talking with one of the fellowships long-time residents Chloe. Bob wasn't sure whether or not he approved of his son's choice of friends.
Then again maybe the locals were just odd. Channing Norwood seemed to have a thing about watching people in the bathroom seen here with Rich Yessam.
Ever the Romance Sim Bob managed to find a local who he didn't think was that weird. Bob met Andrea through his work for the military, right before he quit for his 'ideal' job as a Mascot.
Well it was on the way to his ideal job anyway.
As I said I didn't take as many pictures as I thought I had; however, also this week
Michael grew from a toddler to a child after leaning to walk and being potty trained
Sandra and Susan both have reached the top of two seperate Elder careers although I forgot to write down which...
Charles is one promotion off being top of the teen sports career.
The family had 6 chance cards between them and I managed to choose the wrong option 5 times. Usually I do so well...
Points this round - Sims - 6/Other - 0
Family Networth $15,205
Bob is a gas to play with. :)
Good job so far! I hate chance cards, they really can twist the game (top of career to unemployed in about 5 seconds)
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