30 April 2006

Family 8: The Schurzenjagers

The Schurzenjagers are;

Hilda Schurzenjager: Knowledge/Mad Scientist/(6/5/8/3/3)/Scorpio/CAS Elder

Hans Schurzenjager: Knowledge/Mad Scientist/(2/8/2/6/7)/Libra/CAS Teen

Heidi Schurzenjager: Grow Up/(None)/(5/5/3/8/4)/Taurus/CAS Toddler

Once the Schurzenjagers had completed moving in to their 'house' in the fellowship - Heidi set about finding a job to support her two grandchildren. She found a position in the Medical career track and left Hans babysitting Heidi whilst she went to work.

As it turned out that wasn't such a smart move - Flu was ripe in the city and Hilda too found herself ill. Hans was understanding - especially given all the stress he was under applying for college places. He took care of Heidi well - managing to teach her how to use the potty (one less icky job for him) as well as how to talk.

With all the rest she was getting Hilda mangaged to brush up on some cooking skills as well as some DIY tips. Soon she was feeling better. One day, when Hans was at school, she managed to spend the day with her granddaughter. It was hard to believe that little Heidi was growing up and chatting away endlessly too... although what Hans had been telling Heidi about did not impress Hilda.

Hans of course denied all responsibility.

He blamed it on the noises made by one of the neighbours as he taught Hans the Smustle dance.

Hilda wasn't convinced - but let it slide as it was time for Heidi to start school. She was bound to hear worse things there right?

Like the rest of the family Heidi seemed to love learning and she soon pestered Hans into teaching her better study skills. Hilda was impressed at Hans' dedication to his sister's education but knew it would soon be time for his own education to continue - an acceptance letter from Academie La Tour had arrived just that morning.

Also this week...

Hans is earning a lot of scholarships - I just can't remember how many; I know he has pool, dancing, orphans, grades, entrepreneurs and maybe one skill one...

This was the last family I played with my old graphics card :D

I seem to be getting better at taking pictures... I have one of every family member here.

Points this round; Sims - 3/Other - 0

Family Networth - $13,576


At 4:42 PM, Blogger ASimWen said...

Wow! Impressive scholarships for Hans!

At 1:16 AM, Blogger Lynnaea said...

Hmmm Hans isn't a very nice brother, teaching Heidi some, ahem, not so good stuff!

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Bubbs said...

Wow - you really got a bunch of schoalrships here. I don't think my family got that many. Great job!


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