Family 11: The Kirkendalls
The Kirkendalls are another of the fellowship's families of orphaned children:
Esmond Kirkendall: Knowledge/Chief of Staff/(2/3/9/7/4)/Sagittarius/CAS Teen
Temperance Kirkendall: Grow Up/(None)/(4/7/8/3/3)/Gemini/CAS Child
Darcy Kirkendall: Grow Up/(None)/(4/4/4/7/6)/Aquarius/CAS Toddler
Jaquan Kirkendall: Grow Up/(None)/(7/4/1/8/5)/Capricorn/CAS Toddler
Until his parents had died Esmond had had very little experience of looking after any of his younger siblings - talk about being thrown in at the deep end.

Jacquan got to work on some musical skills while Darcy watched him. The nanny was Esmond's life saver throughout the whole thing and made sure she watched both of the twins and Temperance.
By the time it came to birthday time though noone was in a good mood. Darcy even grew up badly - but that was mainly due to Esmond's kitchen fire earlier that day. Who knew that pancakes were that combustable?
The twins got along with each other really well. And only got on their elder siblings nerves when they started finishing each other's sentences.
Esmond was sure to make sue that Temperance didn't feel left out in a house full of boys. She said she didn't - and then scared Edmond to death by implying it was a good thing because they would all bring cute friends home with them.
After that shock Esmond felt like reading the paper. However, when he got outside he found that Carmine Roma had just run off with it. He gathered it was a game between the twins and Carmine as Donatella had been complaining of Darcy doing the same thing in Maths that day.
School had always been important to Esmond - but he was further behind than he would like. Having toddlers can really take it out of you. However, once he had caught up he considered it his duty to make sure his siblings were as capable with their studies as he could teach them to be.
Temperance soon grew into a teenager - although the family couldn't quite afford to have a party for her they celebrated in their own special way. With a kitchen fire (Number 3!) - shame I don't have pictures.
Temperance Kirkendall: Family/Captain Hero
Also this week;
These were the worst trained toddlers in the whole neighbourhood
Esmond (cooking level 6) can burn anything. No, I lie - he made cereal without setting anything on fire. And thus becomes the second Sim to be banned from using kitchen appliances.
Points this week: Sims - 4/Other - 0
Family Networth: $14,252
3 Comments: will get 'em every time. Nobody owns a stove in my hood.
I hate fires!! One easy way to drop a whole family into aspirational failure.
What a way to have a party! My Esmond didn't get a break until Temperance grew up. Then his life improved.
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