Family 13: The Coopriders
The last of the Fellowships families;
Layce Cooprider: Knowledge/Mad Scientist/(4/10/4/4/3)/Leo/CAS Elder
Siba Cooprider: Fortune/Criminal Mastermind/(2/8/2/6/7)/Libra/CAS Elder
Celeste Cooprider: Family/Captain Hero/(2/8/2/6/7)/Libra/CAS Adult
Risto Cooprider: Fortune/Chief of Staff/(4/10/4/4/3)/Leo/CAS Teen
Michaell Cooprider: Grow Up/(None)/(9/8/1/0/7)/Aries/CAS Child
Kricket Cooprider: Grow Up/(None)/(2/2/7/7/7) Sagitarius/CAS Toddler
The welcome wagon wastes no time in introducing the Cooprider's to the cookery channel. I'm beginning to suspect a conspiracy from the local firestation

Then came the inevitable Myshuno game - this is becoming very odd.

However it was a great way to meet people. Celeste had been telling Jenn Yessam about her dream of being Captain Hero - and Jenn was nice enough to recommend her for her old security guard job when she went on maternity leave.

Michaell was always wondering about random things. But mainly she was trying to stay out of everyone's way - I mean how much red hands could one person (namely Siba) play?

Risto had had enough of living with five women - he rang Donatella and told her he would be round in five minutes.

There was one thing to do before he met up with her though...

Back at the house, Grandma Layce was pleased when Kricket grew into a child. No more sleepless nights could only be a good thing. Although, knowing Celest she might decide another child would be a good idea.

The next morning - Kricket was starting school. She was really excited to finallt be able to go on the bus with her big brother and sister. Both of whom thought it was irritating when Kricket tried to sit with them. Risto gave in though - when he saw that Donatella thought he was being mean to her.
Celeste also started her new job as a desk sergeant. Finally she was in a proper uniform.

Layce, however, was missing Marshall - and decided to see what he was doing via the telescope.
Marshall was not impressed and managed to thoroughly irritate his fiancée when he suggested that next time she use a phone.

One quick apology later and Layce was back in Marshall's good book.

Although Celeste was happy with her new job - she knew she would have to work out more to get anywhere. The results soon started to show after her first weekend off.

Unfortunately her cooking skills were not as developed. She nearly gave Risto a heart attack when he was on his way to stargaze.

Kricket remained utterly oblivious - although she was wondering why her mum hadn't called her for dinner yet. She decided it didn't matter and instead she could be a 'starving artist' - better than an artist eating burnt spaghetti.

Michaell had reached that point in her life were she was ready to start thinking about more important things. As she blew out the candles dreams of her future flashed through her mind.

And she saw money.
Michaell Cooprider: Fortune/Criminal Mastermind

Also this week...
I finished round one!
Siba became one of those Sims who avoids every photograph...
Points this week: Sims - 6/Other 0
Family Networth: $14,942
Ahhh, my family is doing well. :) Great to see Layce managed to make up with Marshall. :)
Boy that skin tone is odd! But the family is real interesting so, no judging by appearence (I will apologize to Benjamen Long).
Great update! Your sims must love fires! I love the Donatella/Risto part.
Queen - the skin grows on you after awhile.
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