30 April 2006

Round One Scores

It is a case of Score? What Score? for this week. My achievement of the week is not losing points.

Total Sims: 52 52 Points

Total Networth: $223,348 3 Points

Impossible Wants: None

Platinum Graves: None

Top Influence: None

Top of Career: None

Uni Points: None

Negative Points: None

Total Score = 55 Points

Family 13: The Coopriders

The last of the Fellowships families;

Layce Cooprider: Knowledge/Mad Scientist/(4/10/4/4/3)/Leo/CAS Elder

Siba Cooprider: Fortune/Criminal Mastermind/(2/8/2/6/7)/Libra/CAS Elder

Celeste Cooprider: Family/Captain Hero/(2/8/2/6/7)/Libra/CAS Adult

Risto Cooprider: Fortune/Chief of Staff/(4/10/4/4/3)/Leo/CAS Teen

Michaell Cooprider: Grow Up/(None)/(9/8/1/0/7)/Aries/CAS Child

Kricket Cooprider: Grow Up/(None)/(2/2/7/7/7) Sagitarius/CAS Toddler

The welcome wagon wastes no time in introducing the Cooprider's to the cookery channel. I'm beginning to suspect a conspiracy from the local firestation

Then came the inevitable Myshuno game - this is becoming very odd.

However it was a great way to meet people. Celeste had been telling Jenn Yessam about her dream of being Captain Hero - and Jenn was nice enough to recommend her for her old security guard job when she went on maternity leave.

Michaell was always wondering about random things. But mainly she was trying to stay out of everyone's way - I mean how much red hands could one person (namely Siba) play?

Risto had had enough of living with five women - he rang Donatella and told her he would be round in five minutes.

Risto went to the local park to take Donatella on a date - the twins had been irritating her as much as his family had annoyed him.

There was one thing to do before he met up with her though...

Back at the house, Grandma Layce was pleased when Kricket grew into a child. No more sleepless nights could only be a good thing. Although, knowing Celest she might decide another child would be a good idea.

The next morning - Kricket was starting school. She was really excited to finallt be able to go on the bus with her big brother and sister. Both of whom thought it was irritating when Kricket tried to sit with them. Risto gave in though - when he saw that Donatella thought he was being mean to her.

Celeste also started her new job as a desk sergeant. Finally she was in a proper uniform.

Layce, however, was missing Marshall - and decided to see what he was doing via the telescope.

Marshall was not impressed and managed to thoroughly irritate his fiancée when he suggested that next time she use a phone.

One quick apology later and Layce was back in Marshall's good book.

Although Celeste was happy with her new job - she knew she would have to work out more to get anywhere. The results soon started to show after her first weekend off.

Unfortunately her cooking skills were not as developed. She nearly gave Risto a heart attack when he was on his way to stargaze.

Kricket remained utterly oblivious - although she was wondering why her mum hadn't called her for dinner yet. She decided it didn't matter and instead she could be a 'starving artist' - better than an artist eating burnt spaghetti.

Michaell had reached that point in her life were she was ready to start thinking about more important things. As she blew out the candles dreams of her future flashed through her mind.

And she saw money.

Michaell Cooprider: Fortune/Criminal Mastermind

Also this week...

I finished round one!

Siba became one of those Sims who avoids every photograph...

Points this week: Sims - 6/Other 0

Family Networth: $14,942

Family 12: The Uptons

The Uptons are;

Marshall Upton: Fortune/Business Tycoon/(5/8/6/3/3)/Aries/CAS Elder

Miles Upton: Family/Captain Hero/(4/10/4/4/3)/Leo/CAS Teen

After their arrival into the Fellowship both Marshall and Miles thre themselves into the busy social life now surrounding them.

Miles went out for the night with Esmond Kirkendall

Whereas Marshall decided a neighbourhood wide trip downtown would be a good idea. Although when he saw his old crush Corky (as well as a couple of the more married residents) falling over themselves to be near Bob Profitt he turned mean.

Although accusing Aquamarine Rosada of being an alien was a little harsh.

After the meeting didn't go as well as he hoped Marshall returned home. Only to find Layce Cooprider waiting for him. She had missed the taxi for the meeting and wanted to find out all the gossip.

He told her there was no gossip - but she came in anyway. Soon all problems with old Crushes were forgotten - he was falling in love with Layce.

Seeing as neither of them were getting any younger - they didn't have that many aspiration points - the next thing to do was...

...get engaged. Although both of them agreed the wedding could wait until their grandchildren were more grown up.

Marshall thought Miles was getting very grown up. He seemed to have developed a crush on Esmond Kirkendall.

Not that Esmond seemed to mind. He had ideas of his own.

Life around the Upton household continued in realtive peace and quiet - relative as Marshall had bought a bass guitar for his grandson. Although it was through his use of the telescope that Miles got into trouble... with one of his future relatives - Celeste Cooprider.

Marshall felt it best that He stayed out of Miles' business. He didn't want to make a terrible first impression on his future daughter-in-law.

Also this week;

The standard going to school...

Both have jobs and I think they're both at the top of their careers.

Points this week: Sims 2/Other - 0

Family Networth: $15,624

Family 11: The Kirkendalls

The Kirkendalls are another of the fellowship's families of orphaned children:

Esmond Kirkendall: Knowledge/Chief of Staff/(2/3/9/7/4)/Sagittarius/CAS Teen

Temperance Kirkendall: Grow Up/(None)/(4/7/8/3/3)/Gemini/CAS Child

Darcy Kirkendall: Grow Up/(None)/(4/4/4/7/6)/Aquarius/CAS Toddler

Jaquan Kirkendall: Grow Up/(None)/(7/4/1/8/5)/Capricorn/CAS Toddler

Until his parents had died Esmond had had very little experience of looking after any of his younger siblings - talk about being thrown in at the deep end.

Jacquan got to work on some musical skills while Darcy watched him. The nanny was Esmond's life saver throughout the whole thing and made sure she watched both of the twins and Temperance.

By the time it came to birthday time though noone was in a good mood. Darcy even grew up badly - but that was mainly due to Esmond's kitchen fire earlier that day. Who knew that pancakes were that combustable?

The twins got along with each other really well. And only got on their elder siblings nerves when they started finishing each other's sentences.

Esmond was sure to make sue that Temperance didn't feel left out in a house full of boys. She said she didn't - and then scared Edmond to death by implying it was a good thing because they would all bring cute friends home with them.

After that shock Esmond felt like reading the paper. However, when he got outside he found that Carmine Roma had just run off with it. He gathered it was a game between the twins and Carmine as Donatella had been complaining of Darcy doing the same thing in Maths that day.

School had always been important to Esmond - but he was further behind than he would like. Having toddlers can really take it out of you. However, once he had caught up he considered it his duty to make sure his siblings were as capable with their studies as he could teach them to be.

Temperance soon grew into a teenager - although the family couldn't quite afford to have a party for her they celebrated in their own special way. With a kitchen fire (Number 3!) - shame I don't have pictures.

Temperance Kirkendall: Family/Captain Hero

Also this week;

These were the worst trained toddlers in the whole neighbourhood

Esmond (cooking level 6) can burn anything. No, I lie - he made cereal without setting anything on fire. And thus becomes the second Sim to be banned from using kitchen appliances.

Points this week: Sims - 4/Other - 0

Family Networth: $14,252

Family 10: The Jenkins

The Jenkins family are;

Moira Jenkins: Fortune/Business Tycoon/(2/8/2/6/7)/Libra/CAS Elder

James Jenkins: Romance/20 Simultaneous Loves/(4/4/4/7/6)/Libra/CAS Elder

Moira Jenkins was left with the responsiblity of bringing up her grandson. The Fellowship was chosen by Moira as the best place to do this - there would be plenty of people around for her grandson to be friends with. This didn't stop her making friends of her own though.

Myshuno in the park was a popular activity among Fellowshipians - and Moira met up with the others around three times a week to play.

James, however, prefered a different sort of meeting. He soon hit it off with Donatella Roma - the literal girl-next-door. He managed to have his first kiss with her and everything. But she wanted him to start a relationship - not a chance. Instead he headed off to explore the neighbourhood.

An opportunity too tempting to resist caught his eye - soap in the fountain may not have been the most mature thing to do - but it was funny.

He even got chatting to one of the workers at the little clothes shop who came to have a look.

Of course he didn't have anything interesting to talk about - but school was always a safe bet. Moira had been getting at James to start taking his studies more seriously. She was worried he wouldn't want to go to college and instead prefer to mess around with his friends from school.

James assured his grandmother he would go to college - after all where better to meet hot girls and cheerleaders? She said that, although his reasons weren't the best, the fact he had it in his plan made her happier.

James noticed other changes in his Grandmother too - although she was pretty successful in her job - she had pretty much reached as far as she was going to. There wasn't much call for old bank robbers. Money around the house was stilll too tight though... so James got a job. He quickly worked his way up to gas station attendant. The money wasn't great but he was just glad to be helping.

Although he and his friends from work did like getting together and messing around.

Also this week...

Not a lot actually. This family was a really nice change. Although James' LTW makes me a little paranoid - I don't like Romance Sims much.

Points this week: Sims - 2/Other - 0

Family Networth: $15,582

Family 9: The Norwoods

The Norwood family are;

Belulah Norwood: Romance/Prof. Party Guest/(5/6/5/6/3)/Taurus

Channing Norwood: Pleasure/Celebrity Chef/(4/7/3/5/6)/Libra/CAS Adult

Bruce Norwood: Family/3 Children from college/(4/5/7/4/5)/Gemini/CAS Teen

Maxwell Norwood: Grow Up/(None)/(5/6/3/5/6)/Aquarius/CAS Child

Shasta Norwood: Grow Up/(None)/(7/4/3/6/5)/Aries/CAS Child

Bruce and Channing both start by proving their masculinity. They played Punch Me, Punch You for quite a while.

Bruce won - and a thoroughly embarassed Channing headed to Prosperity Park - where he bumped into (more saw in the hot tub) Celeste Cooprider.

After relaxing in the hot tub, both wanted coffee - Channing being nothing but a gentleman even bought a cup for Celeste. Although coffee seemed to mean something entirely different to Channing.

Meanwhile, back at the house, Shasta had begun to con neighbours out of their money for home made lemonade. She managed to make around $50. Maxwell had thought it was dumb - until she bought a new game that is. Then he wanted to have a lemonade stand too.

Things with Celeste were going spectacularly in Channing's opinion - although talk about whirlwind Romances. Neither seemed bothered that their relationship was progressing so quickly though - in fact both wanted to take things that bit further. That look says all.

Belulah was occupied too, but not with a significant other, the TV had died half way through one of those cooking shows. And she really wanted to see whether the reds or the blues burned down the kitchen first. Amazingly - even after this interesting tactic - she didn't get electrocuted.

After an initial settling in period - in which Maxwell and Shasta's constant arguements did his head in - Bruce too headed to Prosperity Park. He soon gathered a small group of people together to have a good time. Two games of pool and one long dip in the hot tub later - it was time to call it a day.

One thing, or should that be person, Bruce had noticed was Aquamarine Rosada. He had even developed a little (or huge) crush...

Right before he got in the taxi to go home she surprised him with a little kiss - a first for both of them.

Bruce returned home and started stargazing. Although he didn't remember that telescope being there before. Or that fountain. Celeste Cooprider sneaking away may have given him a clue though.

When Channing realised that Celeste was responsible he invited her straight over - there was no doubt in his mind that she was the one for him. She didn't appear to have any doubts either.

Bruce invited Aquamarine on a date the next night - he too made a major committment. They were officially going steady.

The next day was Sunday - Channing called in sick saying that he couldn't stand the smell of the burgers. The rest of the family were confused - Channing loved burgers.

They carried on as normal though - everyone but Belulah was workng hard on improving their skills.

The reason for Channing's sickie was obvious when the guests began to arrive. It was a surprise party for the twins. Maxwell - who was twelve minutes older than Shasta - blew out his candles first.

Maxwell Norwood: Family/Marry off 6 Children

His sister soon got her turn though. (Maxwell is the one in the red PJ's on he right - they were all really tired so I didn't get pictures of Teen!Maxwell this time.

Shasta Norwood: Popularity/Own 5 Top-Level Businesses

Cake done with? Good Let's Smustle.

The local police were not impressed - it was either the horns or the Smustling but the party came to a rapid end.

Also this week;

All three kids became A+ students, after learning how to study.

Channing got a job in the culinary career and got a couple of promotions.

The Norwood's live in my favourite house I've built for this challenge (so far) - although the Cooprider's has the best plan for the future.

I got scared to death the first time one of those special camera thingies came one (and the second, third and I think fourth...)

All my pictures appear to have been resized - this will be changed for next round's entries but I have only just realised (after round 1 has finished)

Points this week; Sims 5/Other 0

Family Networth: $18,451